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Users of the Athens School of Fine Arts Library are considered all active members of A.S.F.A. (Internal Users), external users such as A.S.F.A. students, researchers, professors etc, as well as organisations and other libraries.

Internal Users

All active members of A.S.F.A. are rightfully considered members of the Library.

  1. Academic staff.
  2. Matriculated students, undergraduates, postgraduates, scholars and exchange students.
  3. Administrative and other categories of A.S.F.A. staff.
  4. Emeritus professors.

All Library members are provided with a Library card.

External Users

  1. A.S.F.A. graduates
  2. Researchers specialised in plastic arts
  3. Art teachers and professors of all educational levels
  4. Students of other tertiary education art schools
  5. Members of the greater educational-academic community as well as companies and organisations, such as publishing companies, municipalities, cultural organisations etc
  6. Anyone who needs information that can be found only in this Library

In special occasions, a membership and a restricted lending service will be available to external users, at the discretion of the Library.

Organisations and other Libraries

  1. All Libraries of tertiary education
  2. All Art Libraries (legal persons governed by public and private law)
  3. Museums and Art Galleries (legal persons governed by public and private law)
  4. Other Libraries and Organisations. Each case will be considered separately

The details on the co-operation will be arranged after mutual agreement which will be signed by the Chief Librarians and by the official representatives of the organisations of which the Libraries are part of.

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©2008 Athens School of Fine Arts Library